cocaine_cabaret wrote in boa_daily Jan 22, 2010 23:16
sing it baby, legs legs legs, innocence is so unfashionable, performance, hay thar 21" waist, era: bump bump!, why so gorgeous, clothes: so fancy like a duchess
cocaine_cabaret wrote in boa_daily Jan 19, 2010 23:14
sing it baby, performance, hay thar 21" waist, era: bump bump!, fantaken, clothes: so fancy like a duchess
cocaine_cabaret wrote in boa_daily Nov 03, 2009 16:20
sing it baby, beware of the tiny tot, expression: wanna fight?, era: eat you up, performance, clothes: gangster girl, dance baby dance!, fantaken, why so gorgeous, accessory fail
cocaine_cabaret wrote in boa_daily Oct 19, 2009 16:55
sing it baby, era: the face, hat!, asdjkl gimme more, performance, clothes: gangster girl, dance baby dance!, sm town: 2008 summer
cocaine_cabaret wrote in boa_daily Sep 28, 2009 15:28
backstage, sing it baby, mv screencaps, expression: wanna fight?, era: eat you up, pronstar nails are pronstar, clothes: gangster girl, dance baby dance!, why so gorgeous, accessory fail
cocaine_cabaret wrote in boa_daily Sep 23, 2009 21:29
sing it baby, clothes: too much clothes, legs legs legs, boa's belly beats siwon's, asdjkl gimme more, era: my name, expression: i'm so fly, performance, clothes: gangster girl, hay thar 21" waist, fantaken, why so gorgeous